Stan Szymanski Select Writings

Funny, That Rainy Day is Here-The Evaporation of Funds From the Fed’s Reverse Repo Facility is a Harbinger for a Banking Crisis

Shipping Container and Ocean Delivery Crisis on Our Doorstep-This Means Hyperinflation and Sharply Increased Lack of Availability of Imported Goods

Nicotine-A Missing Piece of the Therapeutic Puzzle Concerning the BioWeapons of the Jab and Covid-19

Wargaming the American Apocalypse-First Acknowledge That There is an Emergency

Force Majeure as a Way of Life in the Commodities and Derivatives Markets-But not for long

On 6/30/23 $200 Trillion in Derivatives Risk the Financial System While The Elite Write Their Own Terms

61 Million Disabled Americans (and Everyone Else) Need a Plan for Civil Defense-an Interview with CD Expert Jack Lawson

The Rest God Will Give to Those Who Endure to the End…But Not to the Cowards

The Fed, Yellen and the FDIC Bypass Bona Fide Monetary Statutes in Favor of a Shady Entity to Bankroll Our Survival

The Venture Capital Funding for the Realization of Matthew 24:24 is now a Reality

Crypto Failures and De-Dollarization Bring Forth a New World Reserve Currency Where Gold Will be King

‘Expiring Money’ Will Define the Last Days of the US Dollar

George Washington’s Thanksgiving Proclamation October 3, 1789

Japanese 10 year Bonds Trade 1st Time in 5 Days-JGB 2 Year NOT Trading-Where There Is No Bid There Is No Market

A Small Portion of Silver May Save An Entire Portfolio

Hiking The Fed Funds Rate To Fight Inflation is a Smoke Screen To Inject Needed Liquidity Into The Banking System During This, The Age of Deception

The Benefits of World Hunger-Orwellian Newspeak and Goal of the Insane Elite

Jay Powells’ Punch In The Face For The American People-The Dollar Is No Longer The Preeminent World Currency

Evergrande Officially Bankrupts

Ask Your Pastor NOW If They Are A Member Of The Clergy Response Team

Evergrande’s Unconfirmable Interest Payments

The Fed Portrays The Greek God Atlas By Attempting To Hold Up The World Through It’s Record Intervention In The Commercial Paper Markets And Will End Up Like Sisyphus

Remembering One ‘Private First Class’

Nanofiber Swabs Processed In Environmental Toxins Were Tested With Embryonic Kidney Cells In A Study Co-Authored By The National Strategic Research Institute, And The University Of Nebraska!

Cryptocurrency Tether Is Not A ‘Stable’ StableCoin And Will Collapse Crypto (written a month before Tether ‘broke the buck’)

The Ukraine Is The Financial Waterloo Of The West. Russia Bets On Gold And Crypto. The West Destroys Itself While Seeking Whom It Might Devour (Written the day before the war started; now realized through the policy statements of Jerome Powell four months later…)

In The Coming Famine The Betrayal Of Not Providing Long Term Food Supply For The Disabled Will Reveal Those Caretakers Who Are Infidels According To God’s Work

Many more of my writings are found as you page through the EA Blog - interspersed among the ‘linked’ postings that take the reader to to stories on other websites.