Alive At 5:55

Alive At 5:55 began on February 11, 2009. Alive At 5:55 is a worship gathering designed to ‘encourage’ those with disabilities and special needs and those who love and care for them. Live music performed by Stan Szymanski. Coffee and Lemonade are always there. Why don’t you join us as well?

Stan & Cindy Szymanski

Alive At 5:55 was held at Northway Christian Community Church from 2009 to 2011. From 2011 to 2018 ‘Alive’ was held at Lifepointe Alliance Church (previously known as North Hills Alliance Church-thanks Pastor Ernie!). EA’s ‘Alive At 5:55’ will return after the re-engineering of our platform to reflect the massive changes EA has experienced recently. We look forward to re-imagining the delivery of content to our audience and continuing the tradition of service that we started with ‘Alive’ almost 16 years ago. Please check the EA Blog for current news that affects our community and news about EA.



All Rights Reserved.

Setting up at the very 1st 'Alive' event in 2009!